2024年1月8日 段晓光:Catalytic transformation of water micropollutants via nonradical and polymerisation pathways


讲座题目:Catalytic transformation of water micropollutants via nonradical and polymerisation pathways

主  讲  人:段晓光 副教授

主  持  人:徐娟 教授

讲座时间:1月8日 10:00

讲座地址:闵行校区 资环楼273室



    段晓光博士现担任澳大利亚阿德莱德大学化学工程学院副教授及化工学科带头人。主要从事高级氧化技术、绿色催化和功能材料等方面研究。近年来以第一作者/通讯作者在Chem Soc Rev, Acc Chem Res, Angew Chem, Matter, Environ Sci Technol, Water Research等期刊发表学术论文100余篇,总引用量超过30000次,h-index 为92。先后获得澳大利亚研究理事会-优秀青年基金(ARC DECRA,澳优青)、澳大利亚未来学者基金(AustralianFuture Fellow,澳杰青),Discovery 基金等多个项目资助,累计经费超300万澳元。2018-2021年连续四年被《澳大利亚人》年度研究报告评为 “Top 40 科研新星” ,并获得ACS Catalysis青年科学家奖, Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T) James J. Morgan 早期职业生涯奖, 《麻省理工科技评论》 “三十五岁以下科技创新奖’’,并于2022-23年入选科瑞维安“环境/生态’’与 “ 化学’’双领域高被引学者



    The critical environmental issues urge advanced and green technologies for the purification of contaminated water systems due to the existence of diverse hazardous organic substances produced from human activities. In addition to classic physical separation (e.g., flocculation and membranes) and bio-processes (aerobic/anaerobic digestion), advanced oxidation processes (AOP) are highly efficient to purify organic pollutants and pathogens. In this presentation, we will introduce our recent findings of catalytic conversion of organic pollutants into polymers to realise organic pollutant migration from wastewater onto the solid phase. We find that nanocarbons and metal oxides can activate persulfates (peroxymonosulfate-PMS and peroxydisulfate-PDS) to coordinate a nonradical electron-transfer pathway (ETP). The ETP oxidation regime featured a mild oxidation potential and high selectivity toward electron-rich micropollutants in complicated water matrixes via electron transfer and hydrogen abstraction reactions. More intriguingly, phenolics and similar substituted compounds will be selectively converted into their corresponding dimers, trimers, and polymeric compounds. Such a process will remarkably reduce the dosage of persulfate to minimise the chemical input in AOP and realise the upgrading of organic pollutants to value-added polymers. The new remediation system will help mitigate carbon emissions in water treatment processes to realise pollutant to value-added product transformation.