2024年10月10日 Jianming Xue:Beneficial Use of Biosolids on Forestland in New Zealand: What are the environmental and ecological impacts?


报告题目:Beneficial Use of Biosolids on Forestland in New Zealand: What are the environmental and ecological impacts?

主讲人:Jianming Xue

主持人:周小奇 教授

讲座时间:10月10日 14:00

讲座地点:闵行校区 资环楼345



Dr. Xue is currently a Senior Researcher at Scion, the New Zealand Forest Research Institute, where he also leads the Soil Group at the Centre for Integrated Biowaste Research. He serves as a PhD supervisor in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Canterbury and holds the position of distinguished professor at Nanjing Forestry University in China. Furthermore, Dr. Xue is a visiting professor and overseas supervisor for graduate students at several Chinese universities, including Huazhong Agricultural University and Jiangxi Agricultural University. In addition, he is the New Zealand Director of the China-New Zealand Joint Laboratory for Soil Molecular Ecology, a collaborative initiative between the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Scion.



Biosolids, rich in organic carbon and nutrients, are commonly used as soil amendments on cropland, and preferably on forestland in New Zealand. However, few studies have examined the environmental impacts of biosolids application on forestland in ecologically based long-term studies. This study investigated the impact on soil and groundwater quality, tree nutrition and growth, and wood quality of long-term biosolids application to a radiata pine plantation forest growing on a poor soil at Rabbit Island in Nelson, New Zealand.