2023年12月18日 邹恒星:The temporal dimension of species interactions at multiple scales


讲座题目:The temporal dimension of species interactions at multiple scales

主 讲 人:邹恒星

主 持 人:斯幸峰 教授

开始时间:12月18日 14:00

讲座地址:闵行校区 资环楼354室



    Hengxing Zou is a 5th-year PhD Candidate at Rice University. Before joining Dr. Volker Rudolf’s lab at Rice, he obtained a Bachelor of Science from the University of Chicago in 2019. His research focuses on how the relative timing of species affects their interactions and community dynamics.



    Time structures ecological communities. The strength and outcomes of species interactions are often determined by the temporal sequence and interval of species arrival, a phenomenon termed priority effects. As climate change shifts species timing (phenology) worldwide, we need a general theoretical framework for the diverse biological mechanisms underlying priority effects among ecosystems. To provide a widely applicable framework of priority effects, I categorize them into two types based on their biological mechanisms. I then illustrate how each type influences long-term outcomes of pairwise competition in a seasonal community. Scaling up, I show that how biodiversity changes with dispersal is determined by the type of priority effects in metacommunities. Finally, I extend priority effects beyond pairwise interaction with a multispecies model of plant-soil feedback. Together, these works provide a new direction in studying temporal processes in complex communities, laying the groundwork for better understanding and predicting biodiversity in an ever-changing world.