2023年11月14日 倪丙杰:Sustainable Wastewater Management


讲座题目:Sustainable Wastewater Management

主 讲 人:倪丙杰 教授

主 持 人:王维康 青年研究员

开始时间:11月14日 14:00

讲座地址:闵行校区 资环楼352室



    倪丙杰,新南威尔士大学终身教授, 博士生导师。澳大利亚ARC Future Fellow和ARC DECRA Fellow获得者,Australasian Practical Zero Emissions Society主席,科睿唯安全球高被引学者,长期致力于废弃物处理处置及资源化、高效低耗废水生物处理技术、绿色环境功能材料开发和污染物转化过程的机理解析与数学模拟等方面的研究工作,被评为澳大利亚顶尖创新工程师和亚太地区优秀青年科学家。目前已出版学术专著2部,撰写学术专著章节30余章,发表SCI论文450余篇,其中在环境领域顶刊Environmental Science & Technology和Water Research上发表论文120余篇,论文引用次数超过23000次,H指数83(Google scholar)。担任Cleaner Water 创刊主编、Environmental Science & Technology编委、Water Research客座编辑、Journal of Cleaner Production副主编、Journal of Environmental Management副主编、Environmental Research副主编等多本学术期刊兼职。


    Traditional wastewater treatment removes organic carbon and nutrients by using vast amounts of energy and releasing greenhouse gas. However, wastewater is a substantial but largely untapped renewable resource. Sustainable and energy self-sufficiency wastewater management has been attracting increasing attentions, with the energy consumption, sludge treatment and greenhouse gas emissions taken into account when designing and operating wastewater treatment plants. Based on the research outcomes of my group in the past years, I will present several innovative and sustainable technological solutions to achieve high-levels of pollutant removal from wastewater with a minimised greenhouse gas emission and maximised energy recovery. The outcome provided strong scientific and technological support to transform wastewater from a troublesome pollutant to a renewable resource and reduce large quantities of greenhouse gas emissions, which might fundamentally change the economics and sustainability of wastewater management.