2023年10月23日 Morgan W. Tingley:Charting the spatiotemporal landscape of species’ responses to climate change


讲座题目:Charting the spatiotemporal landscape of species’ responses to climate change

主 讲 人:Morgan W. Tingley 副教授

主 持 人:斯幸峰 教授

开始时间:10月23日 8:30

讲座地址:闵行校区 资环楼354室



    Morgan W. Tingley,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校副教授, 生态与生物进化实验室副主任。课题组以鸟类为主要研究类群,研究领域涉及全球变化生态学、定量生态学、群落生态学、鸟类生态学、火灾生态学等。在国际主流期刊发表学术论文80余篇,H-index为35;相关成果分别发表在Science, PNAS, Nature Ecology and Evolution, Nature Climate Change, Global Change Biology, Ecology, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences等国际著名期刊,被国际同行引用5000余次。先后在Cooper鸟类学会理事会、“Species on the Move”大会组织和科学指导委员会、美国国家生态观测站网络(NEON)鸟类技术组中任职并入选美国鸟类学会理事;同时先后担任Studies in Avian Biology的编委和 Ecography副主编;先后获得Cooper鸟类学会青年专业人员奖、威尔逊鸟类学会Jed Burtt指导奖、生态与进化卓越奖(E4奖)等。



    With accumulating evidence implicating climate change in bird population declines, increasing our understanding of the ways in which climate is impacting birds is of critical need. While we have yet to lose only a handful of species to our rapidly changing global climate, animals are currently adapting and responding in myriad ways. Using a variety of long-term monitoring and citizen science datasets from across North America, this talk presents extensive evidence for how many bird species are responding to climatic warming by changing their distributions, shifting their phenology, and even altering their morphology. While these three dimensions of climate change response have largely been studied independently, in many cases birds are shifting simultaneously in multiple ways – across space and time – a phenomenon that is likely complicating our ability to accurately predict future changes along only one dimension, such as space. Looking forward, ecologists and ornithologists will benefit from thinking of climate change across multiple dimensions of thermal gradients and taking a more holistic view of the potential and reality of climate change impacts.