2024年5月31日 Jordi Bascompte: Connecting the Dots: Thinking Networks in Science and Society


讲座题目:Connecting the Dots: Thinking Networks in Science and Society

主  讲  人:Jordi Bascompte

主  持  人:FANGLIANG HE 教授

讲座时间:5月31日 9:30

讲座地址:闵行校区 光学大楼 三楼报告厅



Jordi Bascompte is Professor of Ecology at the University of Zurich and Director of its Specialized Master on Quantitative Environmental Sciences. He is mostly well-known for having brought the interactions of mutual benefit between plants and animals into community ecology, at the time largely dominated by predation and competition. His application of network theory to the study of mutualism has identified general laws that determine the way in which species interactions shape biodiversity. Jordi has been one of the most highly cited scientists according to Thompson Reuters. Among his distinctions are the European Young Investigator Award (2004), the Ecological Society of America’s George Mercer Award (2007), the Spanish National Research Award (2011), the British Ecological Society’s Marsh Book of the Year Award (2016), and the Ramon Margalef Prize in Ecology (2021). Recipient of an ERC’s Advanced Grant, Jordi has served in the Board of Reviewing Editors of Science and has been the Ideas and Perspectives Editor at Ecology Letters. Among his books are Self-Organization in Complex Ecosystems (with R.V. Solé) and Mutualistic Networks (with P. Jordano), both published by Princeton University Press.


Many complex systems are composed of sets of elements that interact in meaningful ways. Historically, science has progressed by isolating and studying a few such elements, in the hope that this reductionistic approach could be scaled-up to undersunting the entire system. Unfortunately, many interesting phenomena is emergent and can not be reduced to the sudy of isolted parts. Network science has provided a quantitative framework to think in terms of global systems. In this talk, I will introduce the concept of a complex network and ilustrate it with some meaningul examples across several fields.