我院达良俊与宋坤研究团队在Nature Cities发表论文揭示不同种子传播方式的自生植物的物种丰富度的影响因素及其敏感性差异


华东师范大学生态与环境科学学院达良俊与宋坤研究团队,在Nature Cities上发表了题为“Response and sensitivity of urban plants with different seed dispersal modes”的研究论文,揭示了不同种子传播方式的自生植物的物种丰富度的影响因素及其敏感性差异,为阐明城市植物多样性维持机制提供了新的理解。华东师范大学宋坤(副教授)为论文的通讯作者,华东师范大学高志文(博士后)为论文的第一作者,中科院东北地理与农业生态研究所研究员潘应骥为论文第共同一作,合作作者单位包括:西安建筑科技大学、东北林业大学、昆明学院、新西兰Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology。






  1. 云南省16个城市中共记录自生植物1744种,其中自体传播是最常见的传播方式,其次是动物传播、风传播和水传播(图2)。

  2. 自体传播植物对扩散限制最为敏感,而水传播植物对于生境质量和气候因子较为敏感。

  3. 自然环境因子和人为因子共同影响了不同种子传播方式的城市自生植物的物种丰富度,人为因素(如,生境质量和扩散限制等)占据主导作用。

Figure 1 The sampling sites and patches in the 16 prefecture-level cities in Yunnan province, China.

Figure 2 The conceptual framework of urban spontaneous plants with different seed dispersal modes and corresponding drivers of species richness. MAT: mean annual temperature; MAP: mean annual precipitation; MSD: mean annual duration of sunshine; Sealed.site: the proportion of impervious surface within site; Light.site: nighttime light intensity in each site; GDP.site: gross domestic product in each site; UR.site: urbanization rate in each site; UR.city: urbanization rate in each city; BD: distance of patches from city boundary; Sealed25: the proportion of impervious surface within radii of 25 m around the patch; PA: perimeter-area ratio; LSI: landscape shape index.

Figure 3 Sankey chart of species composition in 16 cities surveyed in Yunnan province, China. The number represent spontaneous species richness.

Figure 4 Contrast interactions estimate between different seed dispersal modes.

Figure 5 Parameter estimates and variance explained in the averaged model for each seed dispersal mode.
