2017-11-02(周四) Ilia Ostrovsky: Introduction to ecology of a large subtropical lake: role of physical processes in formation of biogeochemical regime


讲座题目: Introduction to ecology of a large subtropical lake: role of physical processes in formation of biogeochemical regime
主 讲 人:Ilia Ostrovsky 教授
主 持 人:陈雪初 副教授

报告人简介:Ilia Ostrovsky是海洋学家与湖沼学家,曾担任亚美尼亚科学院Sevan水生生物战的首席科学家,现任以色列海洋与湖沼学研究所教授、欧洲科学技术合作管理委员会成员,并且是国际湖沼学学会的以色列代表。作为国际水协会的湖泊水库管理专家组管理委员会的成员,lia Ostrovsky教授在今年5月份于上海组织了国际水协会第四届湖泊与水库管理学术讨论会,并担任会议主席。同时,lia Ostrovsky教授还是是爱思唯尔编辑系统生态信息学编辑委员会成员。

报告内容简介: In my presentation, I will talk about the impact of various physical processes on ecology and water quality of Lake Kinneret (the Sea of Galilee, Israel). I will show the role of lake stratification and external forcing in formation of biogeochemical processes, their spatial heterogeneity, and seasonality. I will discuss the methodological approaches required for investigations of hydro-ecological processes and consider the role of physical factors in formation of the winter-spring bloom of toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis. Further, I will talk about the impact of manipulations in the watershed area on the Lake Kinneret ecosystem and show why the enlargement in water level fluctuation increases methane (greenhouse gas) emission from the lake into the atmosphere.