2016-12-13(周二)下午 14:00 Growing cities and growing obesity: Urbanization and physical activity in China


讲座题目:Growing cities and growing obesity: Urbanization and physical activity in China

主 讲 人:Kristen Day 教授

主 持 人:林琳 讲师



主办单位:生态与环境科学学院 科技处


Kristen Day

Kristen Day

Kristen Day is Professor and Associate Dean in the Department of Technology, Culture and Society at the Tandon School of Engineering, New York University. her research and teaching explore issues of health and well being in urban environments, with a focus on social justice. She is active in research on planning and design to promote physical activity in the United States and in China. She is also conducting research on the impacts of pollution on people’s every day lives in China.


China faces growing problems with obesity and chronic disease. More than one-third of adults in China are overweight. Obesity and chronic diseases cause 80% of deaths in China. Growing obesity is due, in part, to declining rates of physical activity, including walking and bicycling, in China. Declining walking is caused, in part, by urban development patterns in Chinese cities that encourage urban sprawl and that make it difficult to walk and bicycle for transportation and recreation. This talk will discuss recent research on the design of cities in China to support walking and bicycling.