2016-10-08(周六)下午13:00 Amenity-Driven Rural Development: Implications of Economic Climate, Transportation Infrastructure, and Land Use


讲座题目:Amenity-Driven Rural Development: Implications of Economic Climate, Transportation Infrastructure, and Land Use

主讲人: 迟光清, 美国宾夕法尼亚大学终身副教授

主持人:周天舒 教授

开始时间:2016-10-8 13:00


主办单位:生态与环境科学学院 科技处


迟光清 博士


迟光清博士先后获得华东师范大学环境科学、密歇根理工大学环境政策学、威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校环境人口学的学士、硕士、博士学位,目前任教于美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学农业经济、社会与教育学系,是人口学、农村社会学、公共健康和社会学的终身副教授,同时兼任该校社会科学研究所和人口研究所运算与空间分析部主任、人口学(Demography)杂志代理主编。迟博士目前的研究集中在人口学、人口与环境的互动变化以及智慧城市和弹性依赖基础设施系统三个方面。迟博士已经在Demography、Landscape and Urban Planning、American Journal of Public Health、Journal of Transport Geography等知名期刊发表各类学术论文50余篇。他在汽油价格与交通安全相关性理论的研究成果,引起美国多家媒体报道两千余次。近年以来,迟博士主持了美国国家科学基金委、美国国家健康委员会、美国航空航天局等单位近20项科研项目。


The importance of natural amenities in promoting rural development has been addressed in a large body of literature. That said, the potential spatial variation in the effects of natural amenities on rural development has not been addressed. This study investigates the spatial variation in the effects across the urban-rural continuum at the minor civil division level in Wisconsin, U.S.A. Results of spatial analysis suggest that natural amenities do indeed have differing effects on rural development along the urban-rural continuum. Natural amenities are appreciated the most in rural areas adjacent to metropolitan areas, but the least in urban areas. In remote rural areas, amenities become valuable only when accessible through managed recreational areas. The results further suggest that amenity-driven rural development are conditional on economic climates, transportation infrastructure, and land availability for development and conversion. These findings have important implications for rural development, land use policy, and natural resource management.