2016-07-04 (周一)上午9:00 Forests, Water, and Global Change: Lessons Learned from the United States and China


讲座题目:Forests, Water, and Global Change: Lessons Learned from the United States and China

主讲人:孙 阁 教授

主持人:宋从和 教授



主办单位:生态与环境科学学院 科技处

报告人简介:孙阁博士现任美国联邦政府农业部林务局(USDA Forest Service)南方研究院水文科学资深研究员,兼任北卡罗莱纳州立大学(North Carolina State University)森林水文学教授。 美国水资源协会(American Water Resources Association)会士(2015)。中科院海外评审专家和国际伙伴计划客座研究员。获北京林业大学森林水文学士和硕士学位,美国佛罗里达大学森林水文学与流域管理学博士学位(1995)。曾任中美碳联盟(USCCC)联合主席 (2010-2012),中华海外生态学会(SINO-ECO)主席 (2008-2010), Journal of American Water Resources Association, British Journal of Environmental and Climate Change, Ecological Processes 杂志副主编。至今合作发表有一定影响的SCI论文150余篇

报告摘要:Large uncertainty exists on the feedbacks between climate, forest management, and water supplies at multiple scales. These factors make quantitative assessment of forest ecosystem services to be rather difficult and mistakes made in practicing land management can be consequential. As the world’ top two economy and CO2 emitters, U.S. and China are facing different environmental and socioeconomic challenges. However, the major goals of forest management in these two countries are similar: enhancing ecological restoration towards healthy and resilient watersheds to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Case studies from the US and China will be presented to illustrate how modeling tools can help explore the linkages among forests, climate change, and water resources, and provide useful information for maximizing forest ecosystem services under a changing environment.