2016-06-25(周六)上午9:00 Sponge city:Storm water management, low impact development and green infrastructure


讲座题目:Sponge city:Storm water management, low impact development and green infrastructure

主讲人:Bruce Anderson 教授.

主持人:谢 冰 教授



主办单位:生态与环境科学学院 科技处

报告人简介:Dr. Bruce Anderson is Professor in Civil Engineering & Urban Planing, Queen’s University, Canada. He is a full-time professor of civil engineering, and cross-appointed professor of urban and regional planning. His current research programs focus on resolving the storm run-off issues in urban areas, enhancing the performance of wastewater wetlands treatment technologies in critical conditions, and assessment of integrated low-impact water management (potable water, wastewater and stormwater) in small lakeside villages. Many of these projects are conducted at the field scale, and are carried out in collaboration with other environmental scientists and engineers. Prof. Anderson is also a co-principal investigator in the Queen's/National Water Research Institute Stormwater Quality Enhancement Group. He is now an appointee of High End Foreign Expert Recruitment Program at Beijing Normal University