2016-05-26(周四)下午1:00 The role of built environment stocks in sustainable development and climate change mitigation


讲座题目: The role of built environment stocks in sustainable development and climate change mitigation

主讲人:刘刚 副教授,南丹麦大学

主持人:韩骥 副教授

讲座时间:2016-5-26, 1:00 PM



报告人简介:刘刚,挪威科技大学工业生态学博士,现为南丹麦大学副教授,国际工业生态学会社会经济代谢分会副理事长,全球华人工业生态学会创会理事,世界粮农组织、经合组织、国际铝业协会等机构咨询专家,国际能源署世界能源展望报告2015特邀评审人。主要从事工业生态、物质流分析、社会经济和城市代谢研究,其研究成果发表在Nature Climate Change及Environmental Science & Technology(2013年技术类最佳论文)等期刊上。

报告摘要: The built environment stocks such as buildings and infrastructures are key to human development: they provide the fundamental physical settings that the provision of basic human needs such as food, shelter, and transport rely on, but also contribute to anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions throughout their construction, operation, and end-of-life management phases. These stocks usually exist in societies for relatively long time; therefore their dynamics have long term impacts on emission growth. In this talk, I will discuss the role of built environmental stocks in sustainable development and climate change mitigation with three questions: (i) how do the patterns of stocks set boundary conditions for future emission pathways and mitigation priorities; (ii) what are the lock-in effects of infrastructure stocks on emission pathways; (iii) what are the carbon footprints of infrastructure development.