2015年6月15日(周一)9:00-11:00: The Landsat Program: Its Past, Present and Future



  目:The Landsat Program: Its Past, Present and Future

报告人: Curtis E Woodcock教授

主持人:宋从和 教授



报告人简介:Curtic Woodcock 1985U.C. Santa Barbara获地理学博士学位,1998年起历任波士顿大学地理系、地理与环境学系、地球与环境系系主任,教授。研究领域是环境遥感遥感,尤其擅长森林与自然植被,环境监测与变化检测,土地利用土地覆盖变化,陆地生态系统碳动态,空间模拟与分析,数字图像处理。是美国USGS/NASA Landsat Science Team的项目组负责人,是美国和国际著名的遥感学家。已在国际顶尖专业学术杂志发表文章近200篇,已获美国地理学会杰出贡献奖等各类荣誉称号10项。

报告简介The Landsat Program is the first, and perhaps the most successful, remote sensing program to date.  The program has successfully put seven out of the eight satellites into orbit, and the Landsat satellites systematically archived the global land surface condition since 1972. The entire Landsat archive is now freely available to all scientists in the world, and the Landsat imagery has become the most valuable dataset to study how land surface has changed, and its social-ecological consequences.  In this talk, I will highlight the major scientific accomplishments the Program achieved, the dynamics of the current research using the data, and the future of the program.