2015年6月8日(周一)下午1:00:Can we have it all? Exploring the Relationship between Ecological Health and Quality-of-Life: from City to Neighbourhood



讲座题目:Can we have it all? Exploring the Relationship between Ecological Health and Quality-of-Life: from City to Neighbourhood

主讲人:Ian Bishop教授、林琳博士

主持人:林琳 博士


讲座地址:闵行校区 生命科学楼辅楼 119会议室


报告人简介:Ian David Bishop, 1979年获得澳大利亚墨尔本大学博士学位,1984年任墨尔本大学环境规划学院讲师,1988年晋升为副教授。2003年转到墨尔本大学测绘学系任教授,2010年至今任空间信息中心地理信息系统可视化协同研究中心的首席科学家。Ian Bishop博士长期致力于可视化、系统建模和综合、地表景观理解和环境决策支持的研究工作。

报告简介:This presentation will examine the question, is it true that localities with high environmental quality and ecological health also make strong positive contributions to quality-of-life? We consider this question at three scales: city, district and neighbourhood. We use world cities, Melbourne suburbs and Shanghai neighbourhoods. Key factors in this equation include commonly measured aspects of environmental quality such as species diversity and pollution levels, and common considerations for human wellbeing including thermal comfort, noise, visual quality, health and safety. Over larger areas we use published data at the neighborhood scale we are undertaking surveys of young school children. In this case the variables are objective measures of neighborhood form and facilities, and subjective feelings of wellbeing. Also being surveyed are the children’s activity levels as these are a potential explanatory link between the qualities of the physical environment and the qualities of life. We then argue that there are untapped opportunities for gathering large qualities of pertinent data from the crowd (using smartphones, social media, wrist sensors) and for conducting controlled experiments (using virtual environments) on people’s behavior in diverse environments.