11月14日(周五)10:00-11:30 Risk management and sustainability governance – key features and leadership development



题 目:Risk management and sustainability governance – key features and leadership development

报告人:Masanori Kobayashi

主持人:达良俊 教授

时 间:2014年11月14日(周五)10:00-11:30

地 点:闵行校区资环楼148室


Masanori Kobayashi is Fellow at the Yokohama National University (YNU) Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences and Researcher at the Ocean Policy Research Foundation undertaking research on environment and sustainability policy issues. He was Associate Professor at YNU (2011 – 2014), worked for the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES, 2004 – 2011), the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (1997 – 2004), the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development (1995 – 1997), and the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations in New York (1992 – 1995). He holds LL.M (Master in Law, U of Georgia, USA), M.A. in international economic laws and public administration (International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan), and B.A in laws and economics (Chiba University, Japan) and completed the course work and withdrew from the doctor program in agriculture and life sciences (University of Tokyo, Japan). Latest publications include Participatory Sustainability Research for Risk Management and Leadership Development. 2014. In: Kaneko, N. et al. eds, Sustainable Living with Environmental Risks. Springer.


Growing population and industrialization have been augmenting the demands for natural resources and their exploitation, there is an increasing concern over the detrimental impacts on the global environment and humanity. Research and policy measures have been undertaken to articulate environmental risks and key factors of sustainability. Yet, compartmentalized approaches did not forge a scientific foundation for averting risks and promoting sustainability. Environmental risks are often in trade-offs. They are also weighed against other socio-economic factors. Appropriate decision making and implementation for optimal risk management and sustainability promotion require a holistic viewpoint and needs to be fostered by trans-disciplinary science.

Effective risk management and sustainability promotion require proper assessment of the environment and social capacity. National governments and international agencies provide monitoring data of the environment such as air and water quality, forest cover, land, biodiversity and waste management. Many of the environmental issues are inter-woven and closely related to livelihoods of the communitie.

To tackle mounting sustainability challenges, it is vital to forge social capacity for managing risks and promoting sustainability more effectively. Human resource and leadership development in this area is thus highly important. Yokohama National University, East China Normal University and 8 other universities in Asia and Africa have collaborated to promote leadership development under the program called the Leadership Development Programme for Sustainable Living with Environmental Risks (SLER) from 2009 –2014. The SLER implementation process reveals the potentials and challenges in developing future environmental leaders for effective environmental risk management and sustainability